Marcy Chong Director of Research, Public Division, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
William Azaroff Executive Lead, Vancity
Brianna Wettlaufer Co-Founder, Stocksy
Lieza Dessein Strategic Project Manager, SMart & Board of Directors, Coop
Jamie Burke CEO of Outlier Ventures, Europe's first blockchain venture capital firm
Pia Mancini Co-Founder, Open Collective & Chair, Democracy Earth Foundation
Antti Virolainen Co-founder and COO at Sharetribe
Juan Jose Rodriguez Co-Founder, Aarhus Makers
Matthew Cropp Community Operations Team Coordinator, Social.coop
Nuno Silva Founding Member, Stocksy United
Jen Horonjeff Founder and CEO of Savvy Cooperative
Julie Miller Markoff Systems Change Architect, Non-Executive Director, Social Investor and Mother
Jutta Treviranus Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre
Sam Witherbee Launched Peers.org & Co-Founder, Groundswell.org
Damiano Avellino Co-founder, Fairbnb