Lieza Dessein is a strategic project manager at SMart. She also serves on the board of directors of the Coop. Since 1998, SMart has been a leader in the social economy. Its goal is to simplify professional activities and enable freelancers to excel in increasing complex social economies.
In this unique environment, Lieza has focused on professional develop with members in one-on-one and group settings. She built collaborative leadership skills by managing atypical work spaces and cultures.
On behalf of SMart, Lieza is managing the creative hub the “Brussel Art Factory” (BAF), an 800m² workplace for creative entrepreneurs. She is also strongly involved in the development of LaVallée, a new 5000m² creative hub. These two spaces host the activities of 230 creative entrepreneurs and house over 65 events a year, welcoming 30,000 visitors annually.
Through her experience, Lieza has an astute awareness of the impact of digitalization on a wide range of contemporary work environments. She advocates for a fairer digital economy and represents SMart in the platform co-op movement.
In all these contexts, Lieza Dessein find tremendous fulfillment in connecting people with others and with new projects. She enjoys helping individuals realize their professional ambitions within a prosperous and fair social economy.