***Archival video of Trebor Scholz is available here. Additional video of other speakers is hyperlinked in their names below.***
Trebor Scholz will provide an update on platform co-op activities around the world, introduce the newly founded Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy at The New School, and report on the progress of The Platform Co-op Development Kit. The Kit is a multi-year project, initiated by Scholz at the Platform Cooperativism Consortium in collaboration with Jutta Treviranus and the team at the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University in Toronto.
The IDRC team members Ned Zimmerman, Cheryl Li, and Jutta Treviranus will briefly introduce their progress on the Kit and Travis Higgins, a PCC team member, will introduce the survey of the digital cooperative economy. It is the goal of the Kit to advance the cooperative digital economy. In the spirit of cooperativism, the kit is co-designed with prospective and current platform.coopersystem.com.brerative members.
Danny Spitzberg will also provide a summary of the findings from the co-opathon.
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Danny Spitzberg Lead Researcher, Turning Basin Labs
Travis F. Higgins Global Survey Project Lead, Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy
Ned Zimmerman Senior Inclusive Developer, Inclusive Design Research Centre
Cheryl Li Designer at the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University
Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium
Jutta Treviranus Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre