Francesca Martinelli got in 2017 a PhD in ‘Human Capital Formation and Labour Relations’ at the University of Bergamo in co-tutorship with Paris VIII Vincennes-St.-Denis. She also holds a master’s degree in Philosophy and Ethics. Today, she is the director of the ‘Centro Studi Doc Foundation,’ where she is in charge of research and development and advocacy. In addition, she is also in charge of research, institutional communication and international relations at the Italian cooperative ‘Doc Servizi’, also serving on the board of ‘Doc Creativity’.
Since the beginning of 2019, she is part of the direction of CulTurMedia, the association of Legacoop dedicated to cooperatives operating in the cultural, touristic and media fields. Since the end of 2020, she sits on the advisory board of the ‘PICO Foundation’, which promotes the goal to support innovation and digitalization in Italian cooperatives. In 2018, she was awarded the prize ‘Astrolabio del sociale – Pierre Carniti,’ granted by the Centro Studi CISL, for an essay on innovative forms of cooperation and workers’ representation in a European perspective. She presented her research in conferences and seminars all over the world.