Following on the heels of the morning examples session, this afternoon session features speakers sharing learnings on across various countries and sectors through eight-minute talks.
***Archival video of this segment is available here.***
Aaditeshwar Seth Faculty, IIT-Delhi; Co-Founder, Gram Vaani
Trebor Scholz New School professor and Founding Director of the Platform Cooperativism Consortium
Udayan Tandon Ph.D. student, UC San Diego
Heira Hardiyanti Co-founder of MyCoolClass
Kyle Schmolze Co-founder & Tech Lead, Groupmuse
Vera Vidal Ph.D. student, Open University of Catalonia; La Coop des Communs
Mundano Founder, Cataki
Itir Erhart Associate Professor, lstanbul Bilgi University
Mehmet Sarıca Partner, Needsmap